A human-centred approach to conservation

The forests - our lifelines - are in peril. And the indigenous communities who depend upon them are suffering. You can help.

Forests for People takes a human-centred approach to rainforest and wildlife conservation. 

Our mission is simple: to help indigenous rainforest communities thrive sustainably in the remaining viable rainforest ecosystems.

Together, we restore important environmental services, reduce conflicts between humans and wildlife, and create job opportunities that support community well-being.

By joining our cause, you can contribute to saving rainforests by empowering the indigenous communities that rely on them.

Join us to support indigenous rainforest communities

Rainforests and indigenous communities share a delicate and interdependent relationship. Forests For People funds various projects that protect rainforests and nurture these communities.

Join The Fight For People and Forests

Join us in supporting those who depend on these forests and safeguarding the planet's biodiversity.

Support Indigenous Rainforest Communities

Support Our Humanitarian Sustainability Efforts

Forests for People helps indigenous communities and protects rainforests through important projects. Discover what we fund.

Empowering Indigenous Communities to Restore Forests

Join us in restoring forests and reversing the damage caused by harmful palm oil plantations. By working with local communities, we can bring back the forest's natural balance and support sustainable conservation efforts.

Fueling Education, Nourishing Futures

Support the Forest Community School Food Program in Sumatra's Bukit Tigapuluh Ecosystem. With nutritious meals, we inspire students from the Talang Mamak community to pursue education and break the cycle of poverty.

Unleashing the Potential of Future Guardians

Our partners (HAkA) tirelessly protect the Leuser Ecosystem, home to orangutans, rhinos, elephants, and tigers. Preserve this unique ecosystem, ensure clean water supplies, and create a future where humans and wildlife thrive together.

Bridging the Gap Between People and Nature

Support the Forest Community Education and Conservation Program in North Sumatra, empowering local farmers to adopt sustainable practices, protect forests, and coexist with wildlife. Join us in preserving biodiversity and connecting communities with nature.

Supporting the Leaders of Tomorrow

Support our mobile education unit in Sumatra and help children and farmers develop a love for nature. Together, we can protect this fragile ecosystem, inspire future conservationists, and foster a harmonious coexistence between humans and wildlife.

Here’s Where You Come In

You may not be on-the-ground, but we have the connections!

Your donation, no matter the size, has the power to transform lives, protect rainforests, and preserve ecosystems. Join us in building a sustainable future for indigenous communities and Critically Endangered species.

Donate Now and Be the Change

Make a donation to Forests For People. Your support empowers indigenous communities, restores rainforests, and creates a future where people and nature thrive.

Join us in saving rainforests, empowering communities, and creating a brighter future for our planet. Donate now and be a part of the transformation!